
The boy next door

The Dogs In Men

214444445“Men are dogs,” she barked at me.
“Interesting,” I said. “Which breed your boyfriend be?:
She laughed, I laughed. Then playfully, she punched me.
“Be careful before you hurt a puppy,” I said.
She laughed some more and said, “snoop doggy!!”
We had been discussing about which gender is more promiscuous.
“Guys definitely,” she said.
“It has to be equal cos guys sleep with girls” was my response.
And the argument raged on, she wouldn’t let go like a pit-bull chewing on a bone.
Her boyfriend, my friend traveled yesterday.
She wanted to surprise him so she didn’t call before she traveled down to his place.
Which is also my place. Well, in principle I guess.
Cos I never get any bar to complete my part of the rent.
My fake work never pay me for months.
So I just dey answer “worker.”
But nothing for pocket to support the claim.
If not for my friend, where I for dey stay?
We kept discussing as we were decent friends.
Don’t really like her but had to because of my friend.
She was going to stay the night to wait for my friend.
He would be back tomorrow morning from his short trip.
Slowly heaven’s curtains started to close.
We ate and watched TV some more.
She went to shower and then put on a bum short.
That’s what gave the devil keys to the front door.
He started to whisper things in my head.
Started to highlight the shape of her breasts.
Started to describe how good she’ll be in bed just by the way her hips curved so well.
But I wasn’t listening, I was so strong willed.
Moreover this is my friend’s chick.
Plus I have a girlfriend I love so much.
No matter what the devil says, I will not cheat.
But somehow, everything seemed to work against me.
Every channel we put was showing a sex scene.
Every thing she did felt like temptation to me.
She wanted to go help me drop my plates in the kitchen.
I interpreted it as an excuse to show me her back-view.
She wanted to watch a romance movie.
“She is telling you something,” the devil screamed.
I tried and survived until it was time to sleep.
Just one bed so I had to lay on the floor but she just won’t let the devil be.
“Haba Chuck, you want to sleep on the floor because of me???”she asked.
“Abeg come sleep for bed, just don’t snore or I’ll kick you out.”
The devil smiled and said: “Shey I told you since?”
Now, my head has been turned.
All I had on my mind was that she wanted to shag.
2 minutes later, I tried to touch.
She slapped the fucking night out of my face.
She then called my friend to report me.
And when he asked what came over me, I said “I’m sorry. It was the dawg in me.”

4 responses to “The Dogs In Men”

  1. mz.omah avatar


  2. Spane5 avatar

    Every infidel man cheats with a woman and vice versa, so we cheat equally: amazing common sense that I got today!

  3. Olaoye Azeez Temitope avatar
    Olaoye Azeez Temitope

    dere are some temptation beyond goodwill,its berra avoided than the regret letter on

  4. tochi avatar

    there is nothing wrong in trying

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