
The boy next door

Page Cannot Be Displayed

busy-lagosI work so hard but my plans are not even working out yet. The few fans I have got will be on the run soon if the sun doesn’t shine its luck on my efforts. I work so hard that I don’t even have the time to work-out. You know I really love the idea of having a beautiful family but I hold back a tear whenever I realize I can’t cater for one yet. The nation’s economy is doing nothing to allay my fears.

I lose sleep about the future but should that really be the case? Every-time I get to my base, I realize I have contributed nothing so far and I cry from within. We are all ill but the doctors are on strike. We all need deliverance but the pastors are on vacations and the Imams are off to Mecca with bags of dollars. Forget your abilities, the government got time only for the rebels. The economy is in technical recession, the senate sessions are rowdy, entertainers are now suffering depression too. Every artiste is now a label.

Government seems to speak in different tongues, this must be Babylon. Our babies are now born outside the country as parents are worried about having their kids face chaos from Day 1. Our mattresses are now becoming caskets. We are still busy fetching unclean water with baskets. We stay jogging at the same spot believing we are sprinting.

There is an error in connection for this nation that was once dear. We dare to be different but we must come together. Individually we can’t feel our faces, it’s a tough phase. More errors and our pages cannot even be displayed. Our destinies are being delayed but it’s a relay and we keep passing broken batons.

2 responses to “Page Cannot Be Displayed”

  1. Olaoye Azeez Temitope avatar
    Olaoye Azeez Temitope

    D situation is perplexed, chaotic

  2. The Fire That Burns The Sun avatar
    The Fire That Burns The Sun

    Nice one, OP.

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