Parents like to pick on the youths, call us names.
Insult our intellect, say we are half-baked.
We are a lazy generation, none of us got As.
All we do is type on our phones all day.
We sag and dress like prison inmates.
Listen to music with no meaning in it.
Waiting to be fed until we are their age.
No morals, letting the government use us as thugs.
We don’t want to work, just want the easy bucks.
We sit at home searching for oil jobs.
And those who move out just carry laptops.
We don’t want to grow gradually and start small
Give us a ladder we’ll say no, unless it’s an elevator.
No respect, talking back at our elders.
If they tell us something ,we would never back down.
When I hear this, I just lol.
For these intelligent parents, that means ‘Laugh Out Loud.
Your hypocrisy can sometimes make a cripple stand.
Walk across the world and do a back-flip.
We are half baked yea!!!, but who is the baker ?
Who hires us as thugs for the elections?
Is it not the same one’s acting self-righteous?
The ones that pray to Allah, Jesus and even Buddha.
And is still one of the many ghost-workers.
Pointing fingers , forgetting others facing the opposite direction.
Who messed the country up and didn’t do sanitation?
The youths that were sperm cells racing to fertilization?
Not us, It was you with your holier than thou attitude.
It’s sickening, worse than what the ancients did to twins.
Worse than the Colonialists wearing us chains.
At least they broke the chains from our minds.
And left us a map to paradise.
But you fucked it up.
And now you want to put the blame on us?
Because you are older so you can dump this shit on us?
This is just a case of bullies picking on those who are weak.
But can’t speak up against the thieves in their midst.
No they can’t.
They shut their mouth after taking a piece of the national cake, then tell us to take a sit.
When we try to take a tiny piece, they say we got no ideals.
We won’t have any, cos ideally I’m supposed to have a job.
To cater for myself and enjoy the things I love.
But you all fucked up my dreams before I was born.
Now you standing on the pulpit , shut the fuck and sit down.
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