
The boy next door

Advised To Withdraw

Back in school, we all wanted to pass out in flying colours. And yes, we did exactly that. We laughed and mocked those who were advised to withdraw.

Being advised to withdraw was the anticlimax for every student. Having ‘Advised To Withdraw’ written on your report card felt like the school administration had a divine message for you.

It felt like being told you won’t amount to nothing no matter how hard you tried. It was their own way of saying you are too horrible to exist within the four walls of this school. It was the school’s way of throwing your belonging outside and showing you the exit gate. It was your teachers’ way of saying leave our premises before you infect other students.

Back then, Advised To Withdraw meant you were not expected to return the next term. Other students looked at you as if you were cursed and inflicted by a terrible disease.

Now, adults are being advised to withdraw but they won’t just listen. They are first advised to wear rubbers but they choose to reach climax. Mature men run around playing ball bare-feet and later they cry about the pain of the wounds and injuries they are nursing. Grown ups who are scared of responsibilities or are simply not ready to shoulder those still refuse the advise to withdraw.

The rational thing is not getting involved at all. If you must take that scary ride, why not wear the helmet? If you want to ride without the helmet, will you be able to jump off before the crash and not hurt yourself? This is an extreme sport and even the slightest scratch might hurt really bad.

For adults, withdrawal involves two or more people which makes it all tricky and delicate. Being able to withdraw requires lot of skills and self control. As adults, proper withdrawal is a sign of success and not failure. However, when you fail at withdrawing it could become a huge blessing or disaster.

When next you are advised to withdraw, choose the safer option and stay protected.

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