
The boy next door

GiveAway Season

Congratulations, you have got all the accolades.
You are so generous on the TL, always giving out one thing or another.
We love the giveaways but don’t move funny.
Don’t take advantage of our situation in raising funds for your savings account.
Your moves seem suspicious but if it is seen auspicious, who are we to argue?

You are busy with online giveaways but your friends, family and neighbours are suffering.
Could this be charity or simply a clout-chasing mission?
Even the needy have joined the giveaway spree, can we call this a selfless approach?
But are you going to fall for the pressure when you can’t afford a new trend?
If you really just want to help, why make the giveaway a tough or impossible quest?

The other day, you offered to do a giveaway but the people you owe stormed your mention.
You didn’t even think it wise to pick those you owe as the winners. Una get mind sha!
And for all those who are always seeking to win every giveaway, is it secure to drop your account details on everyone’s timeline. Or could it be that you have nothing to lose anyway?
What should we do to those who run unsolicited giveaways but never keep their promises to winners?

If you love competing for every giveaway, cross yourself, place your right hand on your head and say the following prayer:

“May I not fall into wrong hands because of deceptive giveaways and greek-gifts. May I not fall into the hands of fraudsters, assassins and ritualists. God provide for me but keep me safe. May I not be used to fuel anyone’s clout. In 2019, may I get not just fish but also learn how to fish. All these and more I ask for in your mighty name, Amen”.

Have a great 2019 sweeties.

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